Dunkleosteus terrelli: Matt’s page on the most terrifying marine predator of all time.
The best space news site, The Space Review
QUEST – the magazine of spaceflight history
Small Satellites – The AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, THE annual meeting on this topic
AIAA – The American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics
UnderwaterTimes – everything happening under the sea
Mongabay News, the source of new information on animals and nature –
Novataxa, the latest on new species
Science Daily Environment section: Zoology, Biology, and Conservation News
Sharon Hill separates scientific fact from fiction at Sharon A. Hill – Spooky Geologist and Strange Claims Adjuster and Sharon Hill’s Modern Cryptozoology Modern Cryptozoology – Past to Present
The British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club
Dr. Karl Shuker’s Blog, ShukerNature